3 Delicious Foods You Have To Eat In Scandinavia
Slurp a bowl of Lohikeitto
Although technically Finnish, we had the tastiest bowl of this while in the Norwegian Arctic Circle whilst sailing (and jumping in the freezing Arctic Sea). As you can imagine, this was such a warming treat, with chunks of salmon, potatoes and leeks all seasoned in with plenty of dill.
Grab a slice of Smorgastarta
This has to be one of my favourite Swedish dishes and if you like a hearty sandwich, this is for you, too! A Smorgastarta is almost like a savoury cake. It's built with layers and topping and decorated in a similar fashion - the only difference is that it's not sweet! The Swedes even cut it like a cake!
Have a tasty Kanelsnegl
Kanelsnegls seems to be every where right now and totally in vogue in the UK and USA. I think we'd most likely refer to them as cinnamon rolls but they're more commonly known as Kanelsnegls in Scandinavia. Originally from Denmark or Sweden (we'll let them hustle for that claim), this tasty cinnamon treat is amazing, especially when freshly baked.
Anyone that's ever been to Ikea has been coerced into ordering buckets of these delicious meatballs. Mixed with a creamy sauce and partnered with freshly boiled potatoes, kottbullar is a heartwarming meal that is delicious when paired cowberry sauce.
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