10 world wonder places to visit

The world is full of wonders, it is in human nature to try and explain any occurrence both normal and rare in various doctrines. Religion, traditions, and science have over thousands of years done this to some level of satisfaction or acceptance by human beings.

However, there are some occurrences, structures or features of the world that have simply surpassed human comprehension. These features are either so rare, ancient or too complex to be understood and as such are referred to as wonders of the world. Over the years, we’ve had many wonders of the world but as time passes we discover new ones.

Here are some of the 10 new wonders of the world (Click “Next” at the bottom of the page to read the remaining parts of the article).

#10. Chichen Itza

The Maya people had an upper hand in the artistic world. They developed a system of hieroglyphic writing works of art and sculpture displaying the Mayas intricate sets of style. In Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, they built the Great city of Chichen Itza. The city takes part of its name from the large wells that were its only permanent source of water.

It is believed that live humans were thrown into the wells as sacrifice to the rain gods who lived in its depths. There is a circular building which is thought to be an observatory. By carefully watching the stars, the Maya developed a 365-day calendar and could even predict solar eclipses.

Chichen Itza was influenced by other people since around year 1000 experts believe that the Mayan city was invaded by foreigners. The Mayan people built a pyramid with 365 steps same as the number of days in a solar year to protect themselves and guard their culture.


Easter Island - 10 Wonders of The World

Rapa Nui, which is the name given to the Easter Island by its first inhabitants, is the territory of Chile and is situated in the southern Pacific Ocean and is considered as one of the new wonders of the world. The island is situated 2300 miles West of Chile.

The 63 square mile piece of land is home to 887 huge stone statues. The statues carry the name Moai and started to be carved at some point between the 13th and 15th century. The statues are easily recognizable due to their peculiar faces.

They have long noses, wide chins, heavy eyebrows, rectangular ears, and deeply set eyes. Firstly people thought that the statues were only made up of heads, but later it was discovered during excavations in 2012 that the bodies were just hidden underground.

Curiously, all the statues except one group face inland which means their backs are turned to the ocean. This is believed to be because the inhabitants thought the statues were protectors of the land. The island is full of mysteries and facts which seem to be unfolding every day.
